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Four new campaign actions are at your fingertips!

New Feature

The next time you log in to We-Connect, give one of our four new campaign abilities a try.


Here’s what’s now available:


Invite 1st-degree connections to follow a company page


If you’re an admin of a page (super admin or content admin), you can invite contacts to follow that page, This is, of course, a very manual process in LinkedIn.


We’ve turned this into an automated campaign that works with any list of 1st-degree connections – which you can download and filter in We-Connect.


The invites you send will show up in the ‘My Network’ tab of LinkedIn.


Invite 1st-degree connections to an event


You can send a similar invite to 1st-degree connections that promotes an event. Even if your event is hosted outside of LinkedIn, on Zoom, for example, you can still market it with an automated We-Connect campaign.


To get started, all you need to do is set up a registration page on LinkedIn. From there, anyone who is attending or administrating the event can invite their 1st-degree connections.


Clean your feed with automated unfollows


Within a smart sequence campaign, we’ve added two new actions. The first can be used to unfollow anyone you are currently following.


This action works with 1st, 2nd, or 3rd-degree connections – as you can follow users you aren’t connected with on LinkedIn.


Filter your network by removing 1st-degree connections


The second new action was a recommendation from a current customer! It’s the ability to remove a connection from your network. This can assist in narrowing your network or keeping yourself away from LinkedIn’s connection roof (30,000 connections).


As expected, this campaign can only run with a list of 1st-degree connections.


We hope these new additions make growing your audience easier! If you have any features you’d like to see on We-Connect, drop us a recommendation.

